Membership Questionaire

This information will be used to help in designing our programs, to keep our website, sunshine, and membership lists up-to-date, and to determine eligibility to vote. Please return ASAP.

Legal Name:__________________________________________    Date:_______________

 Pen Name(s) _______________________________________________________________

 Full address _______________________________________________________________

 Cell Phone ____________________________ Home phone:______________________

 Preferred e-mail address__________________________________________________

Backup e-mail address______________________________________________________

Facebook ________________________________

Twitter __________________________________

 Author Website_____________________________________________________________

 RWA # _____________________  RWA renewal date ___________________________

 ___ Affiliate   ___ PAN   ___  PRO   

 Birthday  Month ___________  Day _____________[ For our Sunshine person]

 What other RWA chapters do you belong to? ______________________________________________________________________________

 (Note: you can only serve as an officer in one chapter at a time)

 How do you like to receive STAR event/ emergency cancellation announcements?

 ______E-mail ____  Text ___________  Phone

 Favorite activities

 ___ Speakers ___ Writing Retreats ___ Dinners/Luncheons __________________Other

 How many online workshops do you take a year? _________________________________

 What would encourage you to take more of our STAR workshops? Any topics you are especially interested in?

How many video conferences do you take a year? _______

Do you want us to offer more video conferences? Would you take one or more? ___yes ___no

 What topics would you like us to offer? ________________

 About My Writing

ONE How would you categorize your writing level? (These definitions are very loose, and are here

     to help you evaluate your own skills.) 

____ Beginner:  Need help in all elements (story structure, goal/motivation/conflict, creating a compelling hero and heroine, dialogue, character and characterization, plot, mood, theme, setting, senses, pacing, tension, emotion and sensuality.) 

____ Beginner Intermediate:  Understand the writing elements “most of the time” but still need help in some areas.

 ____ Intermediate:  Understand writing elements, but sometimes don’t know how to incorporate elements so that the scene, chapter or story “works”.  Still need help in understanding more than a few areas of the story writing process.

 ____ Intermediate Advanced:  Need help in only a few areas or less.

 ____ Advanced:  Understand story elements.  Although the first draft might need some work, you know how to incorporate all elements of story writing into a seamless whole in the editing stage(s).  You’re very close to getting published, evidenced by gaining the positive attention of an editor or agent who is/was seriously interested in your completed works, or are newly published.

____ Mastery: Published author with a growing understanding of the writing process, the publishing process, and book marketing, looking to hone these skills.

TWO What type of romance fiction do you write? Check all that apply.


___contemporary ___romantic suspense ____fantasy ___paranormal ___young adult____new adult  ___historical (add what period) ___erotic ___scifi___ women’s fiction with romantic elements  ____literary fiction with romantic elements___ alternative history ___ inspirational _______________________ other

Heat level? (see

____Kisses ___  Subtle ____ Warm ____ Hot _____ Burning

 THREE How long have you been writing romance?

FOUR Have you ever submitted a manuscript to an agent or publisher?

FIVE Are you published/self-published? Please list your publications here with title, publisher, date. Indicate if they were published under your penname.

SIX Considering your strengths and weaknesses and career stage, what would you like to hear a speaker give a presentation on the most?

SEVEN Any other writing topic that interests you? Examples:  synopsis, query letters, editing your manuscript, etc.

 EIGHT How did you hear about STAR?

NINE Which life/professional experiences might you be willing to share as a resource? (ex:  worked in hospital, owned and cared for horses, sewed quilts, marketing, accounting, web design, book cover design, travel to various places in the world, etc.)

TEN Would you be willing to give a presentation to the chapter? If yes, on what topic(s)?

ELEVEN Our chapter loves to celebrate success. Do you have any books coming out this year which our Webmaster and Publicity Committee should be aware of? Won any awards?

TWELVE What are you currently working on?

THIRTEEN What are you looking to get out of membership in STAR?

Any Thoughts or Comments?