Join Star

 Do you live within driving distance of Binghamton, New York?

Thinking of writing a romance?

Already written one?

Southern Tier Authors of Romance welcomes writers who are interested in writing and marketing works of romance, the most popular genre on the market. We are a friendly and supportive group of writers provide encouragement and support for each other.

We welcome writers who are interested in writing and marketing works of romance, the most popular genre on the market. We are a friendly and supportive group of writers who live in the Southern Tier of New York and the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania and who provide encouragement and support for each other.

All Romance Writers are Welcome.

We are open to all authors who wish to explore or who currently write romance. A romance is any story that features a central love story and has a satisfying and happy ending. Romances can be contemporary, paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, inspirational, suspense, or young adult.

STAR holds monthly meetings where members can discuss their work and become better informed about writing. Our membership ranges from beginners to multi-published, award-winning authors.

How to Join

We are an affiliate of Romance Writers of America.

To become a member of STAR, you must first join RWA. Membership in the Southern Tier Authors of Romance RWA Chapter is $35.00. After filling out the form, we will contact you about paying. You will be able to pay by check or via PayPal.

Are You Renewing?

Welcome back. Please choose RENEWAL on the form

You will be able to pay by check or via PayPal.

Once we receive your form, we will send you directions on how to pay. Our dues are $35 annually. You can pay by PayPal or check.


Our $35 membership fee also entities you to free or discounted access to STAR’s marvelous workshops, writing retreats, and video-conferences. These let you learn from leaders in the romance field.

Learn More

For more information and our next meeting date, e-mail


Non-members can attend our in-person public meetings at Barnes & Noble Vestal, New York. These public meetings alternate with members only ZOOM meetings for those at a distance, Invitational workshops, and writing retreats.